The Masonic organization is a closed organization. To become a member of the Great Lodge you have to have at least three recommenders who belong to the lodge. After a background research is done, the team arranges a voting to evaluate the candidates eligibility of the lodge.
The minimum requirement for the candidate is that it has to be free and considered to be a good person. After the student and brother masonic level, the accepted person becomes plenipotentiary masonic – a master mason. The new member gives a promise to keep the rituals in secret and adhere to the organization rules. The promise does not contain anything that would be contrary to the personal, social and national status or legal status of the member, whatever they may be.
Being a member of the Masonic organization is a lifetime membership. Membership may be waived if a member is convicted of a criminal offense or acts against the rules and principles of the organization. The member must be a male and at least 21 years old. After becoming a member you can buy a masonic ring and wear it proudly.